Il 23 aprile si è tenuta la cerimonia di gala dei Sony World Photography Awards a Londra, nella quale sono stati annunciati i vincitori di ogni singola categoria della sezione “Professionisti” ed è avvenuta l’incoronazione del fotografo dell’anno.
L’Iris d’Or, la più alta onorificenza, è andato a John Moore con il suo lavoro “Ebola Crisis Overwhelms Liberian Capital”. A lui anche un premio di 25 mila dollari e il primo posto nella categoria Current Affairs.
Omu Fahnbulleh stands over her husband Ibrahim after he fell and died in a classroom used for Ebola patients.
A woman crawls towards the body of her sister as Ebola burial team members take her away.
1st Place Architecture, Cosmin Bumbut, Romania
“Intimate Room” è un servizio sulle stanze private dei detenuti in Romania utilizzate per gli incontri matrimoniali dentro il carcere, concessione che hanno ricevuto solo da dopo l’ingresso in Europa del loro Stato.
Once Romania joined the European Union in 2007, the whole prison system went through major revamp and the biggest reform was to introduce the right to private visits. This means that a prisoner who is married or in a relationship has the right to receive, every three months, a two-hour private visit which takes place in a separate room inside the prison compound. Plus, if a prisoner gets married in detention he or she can spend 48 hours with the spouse in the special room and is allowed visits once a month in the first year of marriage. I started photographing the private rooms in 2008 and I have now photographed the private rooms inside all Romanian penitentiaries (35 penitentiaries).
1st Place Arts & Culture, Aristide Economopoulos, United States
“Prom Night” documenta il rito di passaggio alla società degli studenti americani del New Jersey.
A girl tweets during her prom. For many teenagers, social media has become integral important outlets of who they are.
Students at Newark’s Arts High School keep the dance floor busy at the Richfield Regency in Verona.
1st Place Campaign, Sebastian Gil Miranda, Argentina
“Shoot Ball, not gun” documenta Uniendo Caminos, progetto sociale che mira a salvare i più giovani dalla strada portato avanti dalla Chapel Our Lady di Lujan.
This picture was taken as part of the social project Uniendo Caminos; in the Chapel Our Lady of Lujan, in Villa La Carcova; Jose Leon Suarez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is one of the most dangerous neighbourhoods in the country.
1st Place Conceptual, Rahul Talukder, Bangladesh
“Faded history of the lost” mostra le immagini dei caduti sotto le macerie del disastro del Rana Plaza, complesso industriale alle porte di Dacca che collassò su se stesso nel 2013, in Bangladesh.
1st Place Contemporary Issues, Scott Typaldos, Switzerland
“Butterflies Chapter 3” lavoro sulla condizione mentale che ritrae uomini e donne in attesa di visita negli istituti di cura. Con “farfalle”, nell’antica Grecia si indicavano solitamente le anime alla deriva.
Documentary project on mental illness
1st Place Landscape, Simon Norfolk, United Kingdom
“When I Am Laid In Earth” fotografa il lento ritrarsi del Lewis Glacier.
Mapping with a pyrograph, the melting away of the Lewis Glacier on Mt. Kenya.1934 The flame line shows the Lewis Glacier’s location in 1934.
1st Place Lifestyle, Li Fan, China
“Ethnic Yi People Living in the Great Liangshan Mountains of China” documenta la vita dell’etnia Yi, una delle più antiche e tribali comunità di tutta la Cina.
1st Place People, Giovanni Troilo, Italy
“La Ville Noire – The Dark Heart of Europe” mostra la città di Chaleroi e cerca di inquadrare i cambiamenti e il disagio che si è venuto a creare con la crisi che ha colpito il mondo del lavoro.
Vadim, a painter who uses live models, creates a work inspired by an existing painting in his studio in Molenbeek.
Philippe passes most of his time in his beautiful house in one of the most dangerous neighbourhoods in Charleroi
1st Place Portraiture, Ruben Salgado Escudero, Spain
“Solar Portraits in Myanmar” mostra come è stata resa accessibile l’energia elettrica rinnovabile alle popolazioni rurali del Myanmar.
Construction workers dig a household latrine in Pa Dan Kho Village, Kayah State.
Mg Ko, 20 years old. A Shan farmer with his cow in Lui Pan Sone Village. Kayah State.
1st Place Sport, Riccardo Bononi, Italy
“Las Valkyrias de Bolivia” è un documento sulle usanze, sulla vita e, di rimpetto, anche sullo sport delle donne boliviane.
When I was working in the San Pedro prison in La Paz I met a woman living inside the jail and leaving only during the weekend for a fight. That made me curious to follow this woman in her world of the Bolivian female lucha libre.
1st Place Still Life, Donald Weber, Canada
“Molotov”, le armi usate dai contestatori EuroMaidan a Kiev.
1st Place Travel, Bernhard Lang, Germany
“Aerial Views Adria” sono immagini aeree che mostrano la costa adriatica che si snoda tra Ravenna e Rimini.
The colourful umbrellas create amazing geometric patterns which contrast dramatically with the golden sand and azure-coloured sea. From the air it is possible to see how almost every inch of sand is used on a busy summer’s day on the Adriatic coastline.
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